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Honoring God one entrepreneur

at a time.

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”

2 Corinthians 9:7


IDEAME is a Christ-centered ministry dedicated to fostering spiritual and economic growth in Honduras.


IDEAME's training, processes, seed capital, and coaching offer a life-changing opportunity to individuals who are struggling to support their families with current income but have the drive, entrepreneurial spirit, and passion to form or expand a small business.

Join Our Mission

We are created in the image of an infinitely creative God, the One who brought our world out of nothing, established order out of chaos, and created everything for His glory and the good of others. IDEAME was built on the vision that we are capable of showing God's love to his people through his mercy, giving them the opportunity to create new businesses through arts & crafts, cooking, baking, sewing and many other products or services. Through these creations we are reflecting His character to the world. IDEAME’s mission is to validate the deep desire in our souls to create, as well as feed the souls of others with the word of God.

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Vision Trip

Join us on IDEAME’s next mission/vision trip where you will see and hear first-hand testimony of how, through the power of the Holy Spirit, IDEAME changes the lives of our entrepreneurs spiritually and economically. Their real-life stories will reveal how God and IDEAME has impacted them and given them hope.

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Get Involved

IDEAME was built on the foundation of Volunteer support. Ready to learn more about becoming a Volunteer? Want to start a fundraiser? Want to go on a trip and help launch new Entrepreneur programs in Honduras? We have a variety of ways for you to help fuel someone’s passion to create.



Funds raised provide seed investment in the form of tools and materials which we purchase (no cash is provided), training, coaching and Christian discipleship for entrepreneurs in order to develop life-sustaining businesses rooted in Christ.



We fuel passion and creativity
We empower entrepreneurs
We foster spiritual development of families
We fulfill Jesus's command to create disciples


Mailing address:


P.O. BOX 217


Join our email list

Thank you!

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