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El proyecto IDEAME busca generar oportunidades de emprendimiento para personas que no tienen ingresos económicos para mantener a sus familias. La diferencia entre IDEAME y otros programas de apoyo de capital semilla es que comienza, se desarrolla y continúa con el propósito de discipular a los participantes en la fe cristiana. El éxito del proyecto se basa en la difusión de la buena nueva de salvación a través de los negocios, ya que los participantes se prepararán a través de programas de discipulado y evangelización para no solo generar dinero, sino también alcanzar almas para Cristo.

Our Vision

To free people from spiritual and economic poverty to a life of abundance in Jesus Christ.

Our Mission

Through the power of God, IDEAME seeks to transform the spiritual and economic lives of small business entrepreneurs in Honduras through Christian discipleship, business investment, education and training.


  • Empower entrepreneurs

  • Foster discipleship

  • Cultivate spiritual growth

  • Ignite passion and creativity


Discover our Work

The IDEAME Ministry is being developed in the City of La Ceiba and soon will be expanding to a nearby community in Honduras. The beneficiaries are residents from the areas with the greatest risk and need in and near La Ceiba.

Our program serves both Christians and non-Christians, either to reach those who have not yet received Jesus as their Savior so they might know him, or to strengthen and grow the faith of participating believers.​

Play the video to watch more about it.


14225 Hargrave Rd, Houston, TX 77070

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