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2024 BBQ Chicken Fundraiser

2024 BBQ Chicken and Peanut Brittle Fundraiser - An Amazing Feat of Love & Community Support

Christine Bregenzer

On June 2nd, IDEAME held our second BBQ and peanut brittle fundraiser. A young ministry like ours is so dependent on the generous hearts few people who see the ministry’s vision and impact and are willing to invest extraordinary amounts of their time, talents and resources to make a difference.

Gary and Kathy Kolkhorst are that kind of people. For the second year in a row they took on the monumental task of grilling more than 500 chickens and baking enough peanut brittle to fill 350 containers! Feedback on the chickens and peanut brittle have been 5 star.


Kathy wrote her own thank you message that highlights the amount of work of dozens of volunteers and the generosity of donors who stepped up and gave more, sometimes much more, than the requested $20 to order a chicken or a container of peanut brittle.


“God was in all the details of the event and He proved himself to be faithful once again. Why are we ever surprised at what God can do? 


It was a beautiful day to BBQ and the expected rain stayed away.  Yay God!! Our team of volunteers was amazing and worked tirelessly from 3:30 am until late in the evening.  Every job was important and our crew did every task with joy!  It was so much fun to see the young and the not so young working side by side to accomplish a shared goal.  Some families had three generations helping!

We thank you for your generosity in supporting this cause. May God bless you for loving others through your participation in this fundraiser. Many people will be blessed because of your generosity. “


A big Thank You to everyone for supporting the IDEAME’s chicken and peanut brittle fundraiser. It was a huge success. We exceeded last year’s event by more than 10%!! To God be ALL the glory!


14225 Hargrave Rd, Houston, TX 77070

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