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June 2024 Mission Trip

God Shines through IDEAME on our mission trip through every new relationship, adventure and trial. Learn more.

Christine Bregenzer

Honduras Mission Trip
God shone through all the details of our June 2024 Mission Trip to Honduras

2024 Mission Trip to Honduras

Our June mission trip was a productive adventure, even through challenges. God’s approval of Ideame’s work in Honduras shone through everything as Satan’s efforts to thwart us was defeated by relying on the Lord’s providence.  

We met most of our newest group of entrepreneurs and are very pleased with their spirit of cooperation and eagerness to learn how to get their businesses off the ground, as well as deepen their relationships with the Lord.  

We continue building new relationships that support the community and our entrepreneurs. Meetings and discussions with our Honduran volunteers were productive, as well as fun. We also met with 2 different pastors and their wives to renew alliances and discuss future strategies for Ideame. Several of our entrepreneurs sell their goods in this new shopping mall boutique along with other artisans. Here is Meysie cutting up for the camera.

Because our Wednesday flight going to Honduras was cancelled and we had to travel on Thursday via El Salvador, all of Thursday's meetings and entrepreneur home visits were either cancelled or rescheduled.  Even with this hiccup, we accomplished much and even returned with more items for our October fundraising dinner’s Silent Auction.  

Volunteer Visits

We met new volunteers with our other volunteers and visited one of our longest-serving volunteers in the hospital while he had dengue fever (non-contagious).

IDEAME's 2nd Entrepreneur Fair

IDEAME's second Entrepreneur Fair was a big success. We had 32 vendors set up tables to sell at the fair, 22 of whom were Ideame Entrepreneurs. Even though shoppers were not large in number, all of them were buying.

Our entrepreneur who makes organic, non-alcoholic wine sold out of all the inventory they brought by noon and had to go back home for more.  All our entrepreneurs said they had a very good day of selling and can’t wait for our next fair, tentatively scheduled for November.

These fairs are big events with a lot of up front planning, promotion and marketing along with significant logistics for power, tents, tables and chairs, permits, food, water etc. all planned and executed by our IDEAME team and local volunteers. We are grateful to everyone who participated in its success.

One of our entrepreneurs, Carmen, is legally blind and makes wine from several fruits: pineapple, apricot, mango, banana and a cinnamon fruit wine.  Deal of the day:  Buy 3 bottles and get a free 20 minute massage (she’s also a masseuse!).  Here she and her son sell wine at the fair with the Caribbean in the background.  I bought 3 and got my massage, too!

Here are some more photos of our other entrepreneurs. We hope you'll join our next Mission Trip!


14225 Hargrave Rd, Houston, TX 77070

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