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    Handmade Jewerly: Carmen Padilla

Carmen Padilla joined the IDEAME project confident that this opportunity will be a great blessing for her and her family. Her entrepreneurship consists of creating artisan jewelry trusting that God will open the doors for her to move forward.

Carmen has continued with success with her business, the people who sell the product have advised her to enter jewelry classes so that she can learn to make jewelry and thus be able to make a greater profit. She is part of a group of Christian women and perseveres in the Lord, her main prayers are for the finances and the health of her family.


    News and Varieties: Azucena Rodríguez

Dalia Azucena Rodríguez and her family were going through a somewhat complicated situation due to lack of resources and lack of opportunities. Thank God she was able to be part of the IDEAME project and she started her business with a small sandal store that over time has expanded to sell a variety of other types of products.

Since its inception Sister Azucena has reinvested several times in her business. She wants to sell other similar things in her business that people have asked for, although her sales are not of a high as she hoped, she complements it by selling creams and perfumes through catalogs. Currently her family situation is very good, she and her husband support each other to attend the local church, she has an older daughter who does not live with her and asks for prayer for her protection and for the life of the little one her son Jafeth.

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